1. Substitute Number.
*150*Substitution Number#, dial
A Substitution number has to be dialled in an international format, otherwise, an operator will not allow the call. You’ll have a Substituted Number till you change it.
2. Dynamic Number Substitution (Random Number Substitution on every call)
*150*0000#, dial.
Please, run the command, every time you would like to change a Substitution Number
3. Voice Change ON. Your Voice will be changed in course of a conversation. Once ‘Voice Change’ is on, your Voice will be changed both on Inbound and Outbound calls, unless you send the command ‘Voice Change Off’.
*300*1# or 2 or…7, dial (7 types of Voice Change).
*3001# or 2 or…7, dial (7 types of Voice Change) for iOS
4. Voice Change Off
*300*0#, dial.
5. Check Balance
*100#, dial.
6. Find out SIM ID and DID
*110#, dial.
7. Аctivate Bundle for 1 month
*900*1#, dial.
8. Activate Bundle for a year
*900*12#, dial.
9. Renew DID
*915*74991234567*1#, dial.
Renew DID: 74991234567 for 1 month
10. Activate Data
*950*Х#, dial.
‘X’ here is the amount of payment
e.g., to top up Data for £ 10 — dial *950*10#
11. Transfer Balance from one SIM to another:
*600*SIM ID (of SIM 2) *20#, dial.‘X’ here is the GBP amount to be transferred. E.g. *600*123456*20# command will transfer 20 GBP to SIM ID:123456
Cancel Balance Transfer *606*SIM ID (of the second SIM)#, dial. E.g. *600*123456# command will cancel the transfer of 20 GBP to SIM ID:123456
12. Switch to a Per Minute Rate (available once the current bundle exceeds):
*845#, dial.
13. Call SIM MENU (available only on a number of phones):
#901, dial.
14. Turn Manual Network Setting OFF:
*730#, dial.
15. Turn Auto Network Setting ON:
*731#, dial.
16. To ban Inbound Calls on DID:
*177*номер*0#, dial.
17. To allow Inbound Calls on DID:
*177*номер*1#, dial.