Contact Us
‘Direct’ cost
100 £

To download the app for iOS, please fill in the form:

(Find out your UDID here)

Further Instructions will be sent to your e-mail

AYDIR commands:

Check up the Balance and the Amount of Days left:
*100#, dial in AY SEC

2. Find out USER ID and DID :
     *110# dial in AY SEC
    The Command also shows the amount of days left on      DID .

3. Activate Program and all the DIDs:
     *900*Х#, substitute ‘X’ with the number of months (form 1 to 12), dial in AYSEC

4. Activate just the Program (no DID):
    *910*Х#, dial in AYSEC, substitute ‘X’ with the number of months (form 1 to 12)

5. Activate DID for 1 month :
     *900*(DID with no ‘+’)#, dial in AY SEC
    e.g. *900*74999999999#.

VISA / Master Card
Name on Card

User ID

Сумма 100 £



AYDIR for Android

Download AY Direct
Download on iOS:

Download AY SEC IOS